Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Metal Coat Location

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have many different evolutions you’ll have to consider, especially if you want to be a Pokemon Master. To evolve Scyther into a Scizor, you’ll need a Metal Coat. Here’s where you can find it.

Where To Find Metal Coat In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Metal Coat Location Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Image via Game Freak and The Pokemon Company

To confuse players, all of the evolution items are scattered throughout the Paldea region. The Metal Coat, in particular, can be found within the Deliberd Presents shop of Levincia. This town is on the eastern side of the Paldean region and northeast of Artazon.

Once you arrive at the red-coloured shop, you’ll be able to buy the Metal Coat for $3,000. It will confusingly be under “Battle Items” within the shop rather than “General Goods.”

How To Evolve Scyther Into Scizor

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Scyther
Image via Game Freak and The Pokemon Company

Here comes the easy part. Press the Y button and get into your “Bag.” Look under “Other Items” and scroll down until you find the Metal Coat. Select “Give to Pokemon” and then choose Scyther in your party.

Now, you’ll need a friend you can trust. With the Metal Coat equipped with Scyther, you’ll want to trade it with someone you know. After that, the Scyther will evolve into Scizor on their side, and then they’ll need to trade it back to you.

To start the trading process, press the Y button to get to the menu. Select “Poke Portal” and then “Link Trade.” Go to the “Set Link Code” option and then create a random number password. Tell your friend the code and have them enter the same numbered password. Select “Begin Searching” and the trade process will begin.

After this process, Scizor will be in your possession. Unfortunately, there are no other Metal Coat evolutions. You can’t get Onix, so there’s no Steelix in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Another badass Pokemon you can catch, however, is Gyarados. There’s also a flying tera-type Pikachu you can get in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

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