Where To Find Chimchar In Pokémon Legends: Arceus

One of the best Pokémon starters Chimchar can be found in the wild of Pokémon Legends: Arceus‘ world. We found one off the beaten path, but here is where you can find this cheeky monkey.
Chimchar Location In Pokémon Legends: Arceus

You can find Chimchar within two locations in Pokémon Legends: Arceus and they’re both in the Obsidian Fieldlands: Ramanas Islands and Deertrack Heights. They appear very rarely in Deertrack Heights, so we recommend going to Ramanas Islands first after gaining the ability to surf over the water with Basculegion.
Catching Chimchar Is Easy

Ramanas Island is located southwest of Obsidian Fieldlands in its own off land area. Surf over using Baculegion and you’ll find Chimchar within the middle section of the small piece of land.
When you arrive in Ramanas Island, immediately ignore the Alpha version of Monferno in the middle. It’s Level 65, so unless you can handle it, we highly recommend staying out of its sight. However, further up the grass, you’ll find at least Chimchar hanging out around the area.
Make sure you catch it out of sight in the tall grass as it can hide quickly up into the trees. Use a berry to distract it and then catch it from behind with a Great Ball. It will likely be caught easily.
We’ve also covered how to catch Pikachu and then how to evolve this mouse into a Raichu. Give them a read if you need any help in that retrospect.
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An experienced freelance writer, Chris has a vast knowledge of the gaming medium. With a Bachelor of Communications degree, he hopes to elevate his writing further. His favorite games are Kingdom Hearts, Beyond Good & Evil, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.