Labo Fit Adventure Kart Created By Mike Choi
The internet is a wonderful place for people to share their lovely creations with the world. For Nintendo fans, this often lends towards fan translations of games that were never ported from Japan or fan projects that make previous games even better with quality of life updates. But Mike Choi, the guy behind the Flip Grip, made something even more bizarre with the help of various Nintendo accessories: Labo Fit Adventure Kart (No rights reserved).
The hardware hacker, developer, and designer took it upon himself to make a Nintendo-themed exercise game that actually works.
Mike Choi does a great job putting on a parody Nintendo Direct showing off his Labo Fit Adventure Kart creation, but ultimately he is showing off his TAPBO module that helps make a lot of the things work in this bizarre Ring Fit ring and exercise bike combo.
The TAPBO module has built-in components that push buttons to help control the kart in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the Switch. Peddling on the bike triggers a sensor on the TAPBO module wirelessly that causes acceleration, and steering and firing off items is controlled by the Ring Fit ring by tilting to go certain directions and squeezing to use items.
Is the Labo Fit Adventure Kart available for retail?
Unfortunately, no. This is part of a fun video that Mike Choi made for his audience.
Is this something I can make for myself?
Well, that clearly depends on your skill level when it comes to hardware development. Maybe you can reach out to Mike for some instructions.
How much will this all costs?
Well, again, this is not for sale, but considering parts, you are looking at the following: Exercise bike ($200), Ring Fit Adventure ($70), and various parts + cardboard ($15ish). You are looking at paying at least $300 for all the stuff you need plus labor.
Check out the fun Direct that Mike Choi made to learn more about the invention, and follow Mike on Twitter to learn more about the stuff he makes.
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your Nintendo-themed news. What did you think of Mike Choi and his Labo Fit Adventure Kart? Do you wish Nintendo would release something like this? Let us know what you think in the comments below! Happy gaming, everyone.
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.