10 Second Ninja X Switch Review – Speed is of the Essence

10 Second Ninja X is a fast-paced and challenging platformer where you must complete each level in under 10 seconds. If I had to sum this game up in one sentence, that’s the sentence I’d go for. In each level, you’ll find yourself controlling a little ninja jumping across platforms, smashing robots with your sword, and using your limit of 3 shurikens to try and beat the level as fast as you can. If you manage the level, you’ll be given different numbers of stars based on your speed. A slow speed will get you one star, an average speed will get you two, and three stars are awarded for completing the level in the fastest possible time. Collect enough stars, and you can move onto the next chapter.

So that’s 10 Second Ninja X for you. I did enjoy this game, even though it could be incredibly frustrating. It has a simplistic and colourful art style, which is interesting enough to make the game look cool, but not so detailed that you’re distracted from the level. Each of the chapters is set in a new world. From grassy plains to fluorescent cities, I was always curious to see where I would end up next and what new challenges that area would hold.
The star system allows you to progress through chapters, which means you don’t actually have to complete every single level to move on, a system I personally quite like. Each chapter also has its own soundtrack, which similarly to the art is very good, but doesn’t distract from the gameplay.
10 Second Ninja X does have a story, but honestly it’s not really that great and didn’t add much to the experience. There is a first 10 Second Ninja game, with 10 Second Ninja X actually being the second in the series, but really this doesn’t make a difference to the enjoyability of the game. You can definitely play 10 Second Ninja X without experiencing the first installment before hand.

The amount of time it takes you to beat 10 Second Ninja X really depends on how good you are at this kind of game. It took me quite a while, since I’m not the best at games with time limits. However, if you’re a speedy platforming master, then you might even be able to complete it in one sitting.
If you really want to play this game but you struggle with time limits, there is an option to start a game without the 10 seconds time limit, but that does sort of defeat the entire “10 second” purpose of the game, so I definitely wouldn’t recommend it.
I think my favourite thing about 10 Second Ninja X is the way you have to combine your problem solving skills with incredibly fast button presses and twitch perfect precision. Trying to figure the best and fastest way to get past each level kept the game fresh and challenging, especially as the chapters introduced more complex mechanics like levers and moving platforms.

Overall, I think 10 Second Ninja X is a good game. The art, music, and gameplay are all simple and enjoyable. There are definitely enough reasons to go back and play it again, if you are interested. The story is lacking in depth and any really interesting content, but luckily the satisfaction you gain from completing each level and chapter was enough to make me want to keep going with 10 Second Ninja X and see it through to the end!
10 Second Ninja X Review provided by Nintendo Link
Publisher: Thalamus Digital
Developer: Four Circle Interactive
Release Date: July 30th, 2021 Price: $11.99, £11.99, €15.00 Game Size: 722 MB

Great art
Cool music
Clever gameplay mechanics
Not a great story
Occasionally repetitive