Are There Fire Emblem Engage Gay Relationships?

Recent Fire Emblem games like Three Houses have featured gay relationships in the past. Fire Emblem Engage has many characters your protagonist can “date,” but are there any Fire Emblem Engage gay relationships? Find out below.
Will There Be Fire Emblem Engage Gay Relationships?

At the time of writing, the game has not been released but from recent leaks, we know there are Fire Emblem Engage gay and lesbian relationships. HITC has found, through @FeEngage on Twitter, that the following male characters can be gay towards your protagonist:
- Alfred
- Bunet
- Diamant
- Louis
- Mauvier
- Seadall
- Kagetsu
The female lesbian partner options include:
- Chloe
- Citrinne
- Goldmary
- Ivy
- Jade
- Lapis
- Merrin
- Panette
That’s a total of 15 characters overall, who are a part of the gay or lesbian identity. With the series’ implementation of black characters in Fire Emblem Engage and previous titles, in addition to gay and lesbian relationships, Fire Emblem is arguably the most progressive franchise from Nintendo.
Fire Emblem Engage Characters Who Are Not Eligible

Despite a wide representation of Fire Emblem Engage gay and lesbian characters, there are some who are platonic. That list includes:
- Anna
- Jean
- Boucheron
- Celine
- Clanne
- Alcryst
- Veyle
- Zelkov
- Linden
- Saphir
- Amber
- Etie
In addition, there are some who are merely flirtatious and aren’t interested in getting into a relationship, including:
- Timerra
- Yunaka
- Vander
- Rosado
- Framme
- Fogado
- Hortensia
If these lists are incorrect in any way after Fire Emblem Engage releases, we will update this article.
Something else of note is that it seems you can’t date any of the emblems in Fire Emblem Engage. This means you won’t be able to start a relationship with Marth, Lyn, Roy, Ike, Corrin, and everyone else who is summoned. In addition, there are no Fire Emblem Engage gay marriages, not even straight. This may come as a disappointment for some fans.
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An experienced freelance writer, Chris has a vast knowledge of the gaming medium. With a Bachelor of Communications degree, he hopes to elevate his writing further. His favorite games are Kingdom Hearts, Beyond Good & Evil, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.