Godlike Burger Switch Review – You’ll Be Dying to Eat at This Place

Simulation games with a focus on the hospitality sector aren’t exactly new to us. We have seen it with the likes of Cat Cafe Manager, Bear and Breakfast, and even Two Point Hospital, which we adored, but, I’m pretty sure you’ve never played one where your customers become part of the products you’re selling, have you? Boy, have we got something for you!
Is Godlike Burger a worthy title to go up against others in its genre, or does it belong in the trash? Let’s find out!

Godlike Burger starts out like any good restaurant should, learning how to make appealing and edible food whilst providing excellent customer service to anyone that enters — or that’s what you want people to think. The premise itself is simple, and if you’ve played the likes of Overcooked, you will know exactly what to expect. Whenever a customer enters the restaurant, an image will show on the screen detailing what they have ordered. All you have to do is match that order to the best of your ability, sort of.
See, a big part of Godlike Burger is to cook great food for your customers so that they will return and bring more people with them and, in return, earn you more money to upgrade. But an even more significant portion of the game is to kill the customers in your restaurant in gruesome and exciting ways. You can poison their food, put laxatives in there so that they will leave to go to the bathroom where you will be waiting, set traps around the area for them to get caught in… and what’s more? The more you progress, the more you will unlock.
This means that you will need to have a strategy in place in order to succeed – if people see you bludgeoning the customers, they’re less likely to come back, right? Not to mention the police will come knocking on your door, and that is not a scenario you want to play out. If it does, though, you’ll be required to pack up your restaurant and move it over to another planet. Can’t have suspicion where nobody knows you, right?

I must say that Godlike Burger can be a little overwhelming at first. There are a lot of pop-ups that will keep you informed about what to do next, which can get a little confusing. But stick with it, and you will quickly get your daily routine.
Part of running your restaurant is ensuring it has everything it needs to run and make money. This means that you will be required to order the stock that you need on a day-to-day basis. At the end of each day, you will get the chance to restock on ingredients, create new ‘sauces’, and even purchase upgrades and traps. Obviously, the meat you will source for yourself, so make sure you are doing so. It’s always wise to keep on top of these things, as you don’t want to miss out on money because you don’t have anything to sell!
On top of that, you will have numerous quests to complete on each play-through; if you die (and if you’re like me, you will die often), those quests are gone, and new ones take their place – losing all previous progress. The majority of the quests are pretty challenging to achieve, at least at first, but when you do complete them, it feels so gratifying. The challenges can be a little unfair though as they are completely random, meaning you could get a challenge to get kills with a trap that you haven’t even unlocked yet. This aspect makes the game a little frustrating.

Completing these challenges will allow you to travel to new planets with fresh new aliens to butcher up and serve out. There are three main things to focus on in Godlike Burger: money, prestige, and, of course, meat. You can’t earn these things all at once, so you’ll have to alternate what you choose — you can’t kill every customer that enters your doors.
The obvious one, meat, is earned by murdering the aliens that come into the restaurant. Whereas money and prestige are made by allowing customers to leave, unharmed, and with full bellies.
Money is used to upgrade your kitchen and chef, whereas prestige determines your restaurant’s popularity. Each day you will get some random events, such as critics showing up or even aliens turning up to rob you. These events can net you extra money, prestige, or both if handled correctly.

Godlike Burger is a game totally unique in its approach, and it’s a hell of a lot of fun to play. Once you get your head around the controls and the gameplay mechanics, this is a game that you won’t want to put down. There were times when I felt frustrated due to certain challenges appearing, but this is a small grievance in the grander scheme of things.
If you want to play a game that will provide you with hours of gruesome and hectic gameplay and keep you on your toes, then Godlike Burger is a must-play. Go on, put that farming sim down and give this a try.
Godlike Burger Switch Review provided by Nintendo Link
Publisher: Daedalic Entertainment
Developer: Liquid Pug
Release Date: November 11th, 2022
Price: $19.99, £17.99
Game Size: 947MB

Unique murderous gameplay
Plenty of ways to upgrade your restaurant
Easy to learn, hard to master
Challenges can be a little frustrating
Can be a little overwhelming upon starting out
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A massive lover of all things nerdy, Chelly has been games writing for over 3 years now and hopes to gain more experience and knowledge doing so. Her favourite games are Monster Hunter, Borderlands and Pokemon.