Earthbound by Ken Baumann Book Review – A Warm and Nostalgic Read

earthbound by ken baumann

Earthbound by Ken Baumann is a lovely read from Boss Fight Books that covers the history of Earthbound, how it was made, what it means to the author, and more. It is forwarded by Marcus Lindblom, who was the North American localization director for Earthbound, and it is beautifully written and sets up Earthbound by Ken Baumann perfectly.

So how is Earthbound by Ken Baumann? Let’s find out in the Nintendo Link book review!

earthbound by ken baumann

Ken Baumann is an American actor who starred in the hit series The Secret Life of the American Teenager, and in 2014, the man put his heart for Earthbound into words in the aptly titled Earthbound by Ken Baumann.

The book is split into 10 chapters that cover each major area of the second entry in the Mother series, and the way Ken Baumann speaks into each chapter and its corresponding area is heartfelt, heavy, beautiful, and special. There is a deep connection that Ken Baumann makes between Earthbound and his own life, and the journey he takes us on as he shares the history of the game and what it means to him is truly a marvel.

Boss Fight Books specializes in great books about classic video games, and of course the very first one in their lineup is none other than Earthbound by Ken Baumann. Earthbound holds a special place in my heart, as it was the first RPG I ever play. I was 11-years-old when it released on the Super Nintendo, and I even had the special edition that came with the strategy guide.

earthbound by ken baumann

As a huge fan of the series myself, I was sucked in to every word Ken Baumann wrote. His writing style is uniquely his, and the way he communicates historicity and personal testimony so fluidly is something to commend. Each chapter cuts right to the feels, and anyone who has experienced Earthbound will connect deeply with Ken Baumann and his own connections with the game and what it means to him.

The most powerful part of this entire reading experience is how Ken Baumann brings in his brother. The way the first chapter opens is a conversation with his brother, and the way the books ends is how Ken Baumann reflects on this rekindled relationship. Each chapter dives a little deeper into this connection, and it is a beautiful side story that is laced in blood and Earthbound.

Gamers may be familiar with Shigesato Itoi, the creator of the Mother series, but I doubt that most gamers are familiar with his story. Itoi is a prominent figure in the brilliant Ask Iwata book, but his story and how Mother/Earthbound came to be is featured prominently in Earthbound by Ken Baumann, which makes this book feel extra special thanks to its multi-directional storytelling. I cannot stress enough how fantastically this book reads and how informative it is from both a history perspective and a familial perspective.

earthbound by ken baumann

It is hard to go into any further details regarding Earthbound by Ken Baumann, but let me leave you with this: Some games are extra special and carry an air about them that is unparalleled. Earthbound is one of those games, and its legacy continues to this very day.

Ken Baumann simply does an amazing job elevating a game that deserves all of its attention and sharing his own story along the way. This is a story about a game’s origins, its quirky and unique creator, a cross-examination of Japanese and American culture, and a failed marketing attempt, but it also explores Ken Baumann’s own journey as he explored a world that was far too much for his child mind at the time.

All of that and so much more is why this is a must-read book for fans of the game. If you are looking for a perfect stocking stuffer as a Christmas present, Earthbound by Ken Baumann is perfect. A wonderful read and a book that deserves to be on your shelf.

Earthbound by Ken Baumann Book Review provided by Nintendo Link
Book provided by Boss Fight Books
Publisher: Boss Fight Books
Release Date: January 15th, 2014
Price: $14.95

earthbound by ken baumann

A wonderful forward by Marcus Lindblom

Great history about a special game

Ken Baumann's personal and heartfelt story

Easy and fluid read

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