Supercooked!, a New Cooking Co-Op Game for SNES, Available Now!

The SNESDev Party team has announced the release of Supercooked!, a new cooking co-op game, compatible with real 16bit Super Nintendo hardware/emulators and inspired by the popular indie game Overcooked! by Ghost Town Games. Supercooked is now available for free, via download from
Check out the trailer:
About Supercooked!
While the homebrew scene for Game Boy and NES games is thriving, Super NES games are still a rare treat among new retro game releases. So the three SNES enthusiasts Goldlocke, bennysnesdev and ChronoMoogle got together to realize a new SNES game, with the goal to create an experience that is both a blast in multiplayer, and a unique & fun gameplay experience even for single player-fans of the console.
With the heavy lifting done by Goldlocke, who provided the base engine, music, implementation of level concepts, a large portion of level graphics and lots of final polish, bennysnesdev helped with a good chunk of the programming for feature implementation and ChronoMoogle chimed in with additional graphics, the game concept document to demake Overcooked into a simplified 16bit version, as well as balancing testing.
The result is one of the most unique multiplayer experiences available for the Super Nintendo, which you definitely don’t want to miss on your next gaming session with your friends. And while co-op is recommended for the best experience, the game has been tested to be 100% manageable and fun in single player as well.
Supercooked! is now available for free on – compatible with all popular flashcards for real SNES hardware and of course most emulators of the console.
Game Features
- 1-4 Players
- 8 different levels, each with unique features
- 6 ingredients & 8 different recipes
- cute visuals, stable performance and tight controls
- compatible with real Super NES hardware
- 100% custom made graphics & sound
Get the ROM now and tell your friends! Because next time you meet up, you better get ready to cook something up – together in glorious 16bit!
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your gaming news and updates! What do you think of this new SNES title, Supercooked? Are you interested in checking it out? Let us know in the comments below! Happy gaming, everyone.
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.