Best Retro Games on Nintendo Switch – Gift Ideas

When you think of the holidays, nostalgia is often a common retreat. You think of the time you spend with family, watching classic holiday films, and cozying up to the fire. We also think of the times when we open wonderful presents like a Nintendo 64 and Super Mario 64, just as an example for some. Here are the best Retro Games on Nintendo Switch to consider for your holiday shopping.
Disney Classic Games Collection

Is your friend or relative a big 90s Disney fan? They may love the Disney Classic Games Collection. This game includes the SNES and Genesis adaptations of Aladdin, The Lion King, and The Jungle Book. Aladdin is the standout from this as it has superb level design, colourful graphics, and great music ripped from the movie. The Lion King and The Jungle Book are also fun but are more challenging than they should be. This collection also comes with some modern features like letting the CPU play a perfect walkthrough of the game. quick save, and rewinding your mistakes. This collection is currently $5 off on Amazon Canada.
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2

The Mega Man series is legendary and has arguably been neglected by its publisher Capcom. However, they have released solid retro collections of these NES and SNES games. Each title has epic bosses, thrilling platforming, and tough as nails gameplay. Don’t even get me started about the incredible music from the franchise.
There are multiple screen options and save state functionality to keep this game feeling modern for your friend or family member who loves to play the best retro games. Maybe you could even get the Hori Split Pad Pro based on the Mega Man series.
Sega Megadrive And Genesis Classics

Sega Megadrive and Genesis Classics is one of the best retro games on Nintendo Switch because of the size of it. It comes included with over 50 games from the classic 16-bit era, including Ecco The Dolphin, Gunstar Heroes, and all three classic Sonic The Hedgehog games. Each is emulated perfectly and has multiple viewing modes like viewing the game as if you’re looking at a CRT television or in 4:3. You can also play multiplayer Genesis games online like Streets of Rage. You can even rewind each game like a VHS.
Super Mario 3D All-Stars is One of the Best Retro Games Collections

Many feared it would be rare to find a year after this collection’s release, but you can still find it in regular stores. For example, you can buy it on Amazon for $69.99 or $54.99 at GameStop pre-owned. It’s one of the Best Retro Games on the Nintendo Switch as it comes with three superb games: Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy. While the first may have aged a little bit, the other two still play wonderfully to this day. The level design, music, and overall art will give your loved one or friend a brilliant blast from the past.
TMNT: The Cowabunga Collection

Many 80s and 90s kids grew up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the heroes in a half shell. Thankfully, there’s a lot of turtle power to be found within the classic games based on this series, especially the arcade editions. The Cowabunga Collection would be perfect around the holidays as almost every game featured has co-op in some shape or form.
With fun beat-em-up levels, neat retro graphics, and entertaining bosses, games like TMNT: Turtles In Time and the original TMNT arcade game offer outstanding old-school goodness. If you’re based in the U.S., at the time of writing, get this game $15 off at GameStop.
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link! What do you think of this retro list of games available on the hybrid console? Are you going to check any of them out? If so, which ones? Let us know in the comments below! Happy gaming, everyone.
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An experienced freelance writer, Chris has a vast knowledge of the gaming medium. With a Bachelor of Communications degree, he hopes to elevate his writing further. His favorite games are Kingdom Hearts, Beyond Good & Evil, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.