Pokemon GO November 2022 Infographic Shows Guzzlord and Many Other Details

Details for November 2022 in Pokemon GO have emerged, and Guzzlord is finally making its Pokemon GO debut! In addition to the Guzzlord announcement, many other details for the month have been shared, including all types of raids, special events, Community Days, and more.
Check out this lovely graphic:

Guzzlord will be the featured 5-star raid boss from November 8th until November 23rd. Guzzlord is a Dark and Dragon type Pokemon, so the best counters will be Fairy-type Pokemon, as they are effective against both typings.
In addition to Guzzlord’s debut, there will also be an event centered around the Ultra Beast called Greedy Gluttons that will run from November 9th until November 17th. There are no details yet about this event, but it can be assumed that Pokemon who enjoy eating will be part of it, like Snorlax. Stay tuned for more details on this one.
Astral Eclipse Event
Another huge November update is the announcement of the Astral Eclipse event from November 23rd to November 28th, which will continue the Cosmog storyline that will eventually lead to us being able to evolve towards Solgaleo and Lunala. This will be the final chapter of the Special Research for the Season of Light, which will surely have some other goodies and surprises mixed in, so stay tuned for more.
Other Details for November
In addition to Guzzlord’s debut, November is full of interesting events, like Dia De Muertos, which will feature Duskull wearing a cempasúchil crown. Duskull will even be featured as the Spotlight Hour for November 1st wearing that crown, so definitely a good chance to hunt for that exclusive shiny.
The other Spotlight Hour Pokemon will be Croagunk on November 8th, Porygon on November 15th, Petilil on November 22nd, and Hoothoot on November 29th.
And in probably the most exciting news for the month of November, Starmie will be the Research Breakthrough. Yeah… that’s… awesome. Ugh. And it cannot even be shiny.
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your gaming news and updates! What do you think of the Pokemon GO news for November? Are you excited? Let us know in the comments below! Happy gaming, everyone.
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.