Castlevania-Esque Platformer Dire Vengeance Has Made the Leap from PC to Switch

Dire Vengeance, the gothic side-scrolling PC action game, has just arrived on Switch. In case this is your first encounter with MagicShotGames’sh platformer, Dire Vengeance pays tribute to several classic platform games of yore. They include Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, Gradius, and – most obviously of all – Castlevania.
But Dire Vengeance doesn’t only take its inspiration from games. There’s a bit of Alien in there too, along with a dash of Hellraiser and a liberal sprinkling of Nightmare on Elm Street.
Check out the trailer:
About Dire Vengeance
The game sees you playing as Pandora, a fearsome warrior tasked with descending into the depths of hell and killing everything in sight. You’ll also need to take care of the depraved cult who opened the portal into the underworld in the first place.
This involves barrelling across the screen, leaping over obstacles, dodging hazards, and kicking butt, armed with your trusty Viper Sword and one of 20 unique subweapons.
Collecting Soul Orbs lets you upgrade your abilities and reach new areas of hell, where you’ll discover even more weapons. Interestingly, the powerup system is flexible, so you can tailor your upgrades around your own personal playing style.
There are tons of different areas in hell, including lava-filled chambers, gross rotting fleshy caverns, and even a frozen wasteland. Satan clearly likes to defy expectations.
Wherever you are, though, you have the same three central goals: kill, kill, and kill.

Dire Vengeance throws 60 different enemy types at you, all of them unique. There are more than 20 bosses to defeat, too, including the devil. Boss battles don’t come any tougher than that.
Aside from some solid Metroidvania gameplay, Dire Vengeance boasts a neat art-style that strikes a clever balance between retro and modern. At a glance, it looks like platformers of yore. Look a little closer, though, and you’ll see that it’s running at 60 fps in high-res.
The heavy metal soundtrack is a winner, too, composed by “Master of Metal” Hooman Ahmadi.
You can get your hands on this soundtrack, along with an exclusive cape for Pandora, by forking out for the Deluxe Edition of Dire Vengeance on the Nintendo eShop from October 26th.
Or you save a bit of money by going for the Standard edition.
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your gaming news and updates! What do you think of this new metroidvania title from MagicShotGame? Are you interested? Let us know in the comments below! Happy gaming, everyone.
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.