The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book – Bitmap Books Review – Stunning Retro Goodness

We have something a little different for you today, and boy, is it a good one! This is for those collectors out there that like having a shelf full of excellent books to flick through whenever you’re feeling nostalgic. Thanks to Bitmap Books, we have an excellent book to share with you. The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book is a book looking through the golden age of 16-bit gaming on Nintendo’s popular home console.
But is it worth it? Let’s find out!

First things first, a little bit about Bitmap Books themselves. Bitmap Books are an award-winning independent publisher of retro gaming books founded by graphic designer Sam Dyer. They work to publish stunning, high-quality books that present the best of the best in the video game world. They have a great collection of books, such as The Art of Point & Click Adventure Games and Game Boy: The Box Art Collection. A good range of products is on offer, great for any collector. Now, onto The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book.
Created in collaboration with the German publisher Elektrospieler, The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book has been translated from its original German text. It features a 272-page collection of the best SNES games, along with an in-depth description. Want a trip down memory lane? Take a look at this book!

So, let’s talk about the packaging and presentation. Let me start by saying that the way the book was packaged was perfect. Not only was the book protected, but the packaging itself was great to look at. I almost wanted to keep the cardboard… almost.
In terms of quality, The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book is of the highest quality you would expect. The book is a spot-varnished hardback cover with a 3mm protective board slipcase to give it that bit of protection, and it’s a beautiful addition to an already fantastic product. On top of that, the pages themselves are high quality. They are printed on edge-to-edge lithographic print meaning that every image printed looks wonderful. The book also includes sewn binding for enduring quality and allows readers to lay the book flat for comfortable viewing.
It’s got to be said that the art and screenshots on the pages themselves look gorgeous – perhaps even better than they do on your TV screen.

Now for the actual content in the book itself. The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book contains so much awesome stuff to feast your eyes upon. In-depth articles, hundreds of screenshots, cutouts, montages, and colossal level maps from your favourite childhood games.
The book features many titles, from the classics you played to death to some that were a little more obscure. Street Fighter II, Super Mario World, and Super Castlevania IV are among the many you can look at, read, and reminisce about. And if you look, you may learn new bits of information you never knew, just like I did.
Every game featured in The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book is grouped together in genres, which is a nice way to break up the games and makes it easier to find a particular game you’re looking for.
It’s worth noting that all copies of any Bitmap Books purchase will also come with a PDF version of the book, free of charge. So, while you’re waiting for it to be delivered, you can read it on your mobile device!

Overall, The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book from Bitmap Books is a beautiful example of a book dedicated to retro games. The quality is top-shelf, and this is now one of my favourite books on my shelf.
If you’re a collector and love looking at art from games in general, then Bitmap Books is your guy. I now want the whole collection, and so I need to clear room on my already full book shelf…
The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book Review provided by Nintendo Link
Publisher: Bitmap Books
Price: £29.99

Print quality is amazing
Each purchase comes with a free PDF copy
Lots of choice of book depending on your preference
Packaging was great
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A massive lover of all things nerdy, Chelly has been games writing for over 3 years now and hopes to gain more experience and knowledge doing so. Her favourite games are Monster Hunter, Borderlands and Pokemon.