Iconoclasts – Nindie Spotlight – A Stunning Metroidvania


Iconoclasts is a lovely Metroidvania title by solo developer Joakim Sandberg that initially released back in 2018, and it was praised for its incredible storytelling, beautiful art style, challenging puzzles, and exciting boss fights. It has since become kind of a cult classic, and an indie game that unfortunately went under many gamers’ radars. But that is not the point of these Nindie Spotlights! We are here to shine a bright light on the games we love and adore, and Iconoclasts is absolutely a game you need to play.

My name is Jason, and this is your Nindie Spotlight for today: Iconoclasts!


Join renegade mechanic Robin and uncover the secrets of a dying planet. Explore a big world filled with intricate puzzles, interesting characters, and menacing bosses in a beautiful platform adventure that tells a personal story about faith, purpose, and the challenge of helping people.

Robin just wants to be a mechanic and help people, but without a license she’s a sinner in Mother’s eyes. Ever since picking up her wrench, the world has been going nuts, and she’s wants to bolt it back together. Now Penance is raining down on everyone she loves, and One Concern agents are after her.

But something big is going on – bigger than droughts of Ivory fuel and personal conflicts – and Robin’s in the thick of it. Iconoclasts is the masterwork of indie developer Joakim Sandberg, seven long years in the making. Iconoclasts delivers awesome action, hilarious hijinks, and an emotional roller-coaster of deeply personal storytelling.


A Powerful Story

Iconoclasts must be praised for its story and various plots twists! Not only that, but the amazing character development that happens throughout helps to connect you, the player, with the various people you come into contact with over the course of the roughly 11-hour campaign. Robin, especially, is a wonderful character with drive and ambition oozing out of her veins. She is an inspiration and a wonderful role model for all gamers.

One thing that must be praised to the moon and back is the exceptional balancing between the fun and charming areas of the story and the deeply emotional and heavy points. All too often, games can get lost in one or the other, but Iconoclasts masterfully balances between the two in such a way that it can genuinely make you laugh and cry and it never feels weird.

On top of that, the introduction of new characters always feels organic, and it is through these various connections that the story develops more and more. The twists and turns in Iconoclasts can feel like an M. Night Shyamalan film, but instead of the story depending heavily on its twists, it uses them in such a way that it truly benefits all other areas.


The Absolutely Stellar Pixel Art

If there is one area of Iconoclasts that stands out immediately, it is the beautiful pixel art work used from start to finish. The fact that the entire game is made by one person is an achievement in and of itself, but what is even more telling is that just about every area of Iconoclasts is top-tier as well. This especially applies to the art work, which can only be adored and praised by those who dive into this adventure.

The lush environments as you enter and explore different biomes are displayed with magnificent amounts of colors, and the designs that go into every detail, including the far back of the background, just show how much love and effort was put into this masterpiece. I love stopping and looking at everything to get a full appreciation of the work Joakim Sandberg put into the game, because you can truly tell while playing that he spared no time or expense to make sure this was the best-looking game he could possibly make.

And since I am not going to talk about the bosses within this Nindie Spotlight (My apologies), I will focus on them specifically regarding their amazing designs. It only makes sense that the largest animated characters on screen would have the greatest detail and unbelievable designs, and Iconoclasts‘ bosses are such a joy to stare at and be mesmerized by. Unfortunately, you cannot stare too long or else you will get murdered, but they are beautiful nonetheless.


Iconoclasts is one of the most amazing metroidvanias that you probably have never heard of, which is tragic. This is an absolutely brilliant title that will entertain for hours and hours. The story is truly epic starring an excellent cast of fantastic characters, and it is one you will hold close to your heart after completing. Not only that, but the art work is phenomenal, the puzzles are outstanding, boss fights are a blast, and the soundtrack is wonderful.

And all of this was accomplished by one person.

There is your Nindie Spotlight on Iconoclasts. Check back again next time for a look into another great Nindie title. What are some of your favorite indie games? Let us know in the comments below! Thank you for visiting Nintendo Link. Happy gaming, everyone.

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