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Dreamed Away Drifting Off Onto Switch in 2023

Dreamed Away Drifting Off Onto Switch in 2023

dreamed away

Polish indie publisher Pineapple Works has announced their newest game. Dreamed Away is being developed by a talented French solo-dev, Nicolas Petton, and the game is coming to PC, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One/Series S/X in Q4 2023. The title feels like a combination of Earthbound and the movie Spirited Away, which is a lovely combination.

Check out the trailer to see for yourself:

About Dreamed Away

Dreamed Away is an emotional 2D action-adventure RPG set in France in the 90s. You play as Théo, a boy lost in a dark, mysterious world, trying hard to find his sister. The game focuses on the bond between siblings, fear of death and questioning reality. The immersive storytelling, diverse setting with a vibrant color palette and varied environment, altogether with detailed, aesthetic pixel art, aims to give the player a new perspective on the action-adventure RPG genre.

Dreamed Away is more than just a game. It’s an intense reflection of the developer’s own story, born at the same time as his second child. The game’s world is built around the main character’s – Theo’s – bond with his sister Louise as well as his desire to find and reconnect with her. The story takes place in a cozy little village in Brittany, where the surroundings tell you a story about a safe, calm, and happy place. But mystery steps in. A darkness is encroaching. It’s unsettled, shady. It’s a game about a young boy questioning his sense of reality and sanity.
While trapped alone in a world where he constantly faces his fears. Such an experience of internalizing doubts and fears is how the game was born.


  • Cozy and safe atmosphere mixed up with unsettling and dark mood full of doubts
  • Externally introspective: Dive deep into Theo’s fears while exploring the game’s story
    and world
  • Alternative way to battle: pre-equip varied abilities that can affect the stats of the player
    or enemy and/or impact gameplay. Each ability has a side-effect
  • Engaging turn-based combat system with real-time enemy attacks

Dreamed Away will launch on the Switch in Q4 2023. Be sure to keep an eye out here for more information when it comes through!

Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your gaming news and updates! What do you think of this unique indie game? Are you interested? Let us know in the comments below! Happy gaming, everyone.

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