Delphox is The Next Pokémon Being Added to Pokémon UNITE

The Pokémon Company and TiMi Studio Group have announced that Delphox, Generation 6 Fire-Psychic Starter Pokémon, will be coming to Pokémon UNITE soon as a new playable character. While Delphox was initially leaked for Pokémon UNITE around the same time the newest fighter, Espeon, who was added to the game last month and preceded by Azumarill. However, it was only officially revealed today. It will arrive on June 8th, 2022.

Delphox Pokémon UNITE Announcement Details
Delphox is the final evolution of Fennekin, Fire-type Starter Pokémon introduced in Pokémon X and Y and will use its powerful pyromancy and psychic abilities to battle as a long-range fighter, according to the leak.
With this addition, Pokémon UNITE will have a total of 35 playable characters, the others including the following Azumarill, Duraludon, Hoopa, Trevenant, Dragonite, Tsareena, Greedent, Sylveon, Mamoswine, Blastoise, Blissey, Gardevoir, Zeraora, Pikachu, Charizard, Snorlax, Crustyle, Greninja, Eldegoss, Talonflame, Lucario, Venusaur, Mr. Mine, Slowbro, Absol, Machamp, Wigglytuff, Alolan Ninetails, Cramorant, Gengar, Carchomp, and Cinderace.
Pokémon UNITE is currently available on Switch as a free-to-play title, and fans on mobile can experience the title as well on either iOS or Android.
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