Kao The Kangaroo – All Walt’s Dojo collectibles locations

Kao the Kangaroo is off on a new adventure, and despite this being a new age for the jumping protagonist, you’ll still want to find each collectible. Here’s where to find all of them in Walt’s Dojo.
You’ll find the first letter K slightly after the game tells you to double jump across the bridge. You’ll be chasing after a ghost-like figure of your sister but after you jump over a log, you’ll see a crab with another exclamatory sign. From there, turn right and climb up the rocky area. You’ll find the K at the end of the path to the right of a treasure chest.

The letter A can be found in the early stages of the level. At one point, you’ll be given a free extra life by the tutorial crab. However, don’t be distracted and move forward. Behind the crab, there’s a waterfall. Walk through it and you’ll find the A collectible.

O is located in the beach area of the Walt’s Dojo level. You’ll face a closed gate that has coins going up a ramp. Turn left and you’ll see a switch above you can hit. However, you don’t want to go to that yet. Instead, turn left and double jump across the river through rocky platforms. It will take you to a location with two shacks. Go to the red house and smack down the wooden door to reveal the O.

The Diamonds
You’ll find a diamond after making your first roll under an obstacle. You’ll be going down a hilly area and to the right of it is a pool of water. The diamond can be found slightly camouflaged within it. Hop down to the water and collect the diamond.

Within the beach area of the Walt’s Dojo level, you will encounter a closed gate after collecting coins up a ramp. You’ll go left and you’ll see a switch to open the gate. However, you’ll want to turn left once again and go on the rocky platforms above the water. Make your way to the red and blue shacks on the other side, and you’ll find the second diamond in between the two buildings around the back.

Before you reach the dojo, you’ll be instructed on the ability to throw rocks. At the second spot where you throw a rock to bring down a bridge, look over the water. You’ll see the third crystal available to pick up at this area of Walt’s Dojo. Grab it.

The First Scroll in Kao The Kangaroo

To find the first scroll in the game, you’ll need to be observant in Walt’s Dojo. Once you’re on the beach, the master will challenge you with some platforming on wooden blocks. However, jump into the shallow water and on the right, you’ll see a gate you can roll under. There’s a scroll located in this secret spot.
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An experienced freelance writer, Chris has a vast knowledge of the gaming medium. With a Bachelor of Communications degree, he hopes to elevate his writing further. His favorite games are Kingdom Hearts, Beyond Good & Evil, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.