How to spend Ducats in Kao the Kangaroo

Ducats in Kao the Kangaroo are collectible coins that you’ll find throughout the adorable protagonist’s adventure. Here’s how to spend Ducats, so you can get more lives and new clothes.
Ducats in Kao the Kangaroo can be spent at a shop

Thankfully, Ducats in Kao the Kangaroo aren’t useless collectibles; they will give you bonuses and costumes that will make your adventure more exciting or helpful, depending on the reward.
To buy some new items, go to the main hub world within Kao the Kangaroo called Hopalloo Island. On the left side, you’ll find a store underneath a green sheet. The store owner has a straw hat on with a red mane on top. From there, you can buy an extra life or a piece of heart (that can help you step up your HP bar) for 500 Ducats each.
If you look on the right, you’ll find a wardrobe. Press the A button by it to access new clothing options like a shirt and sunglasses. More will unlock as you progress through the game. The Hawaiian shirt fits Kao pretty well!

As you collect more Ducats, you can gain as many lives, costumes, and pieces of heart as you’d like as long as you have the money for it. Punch everything in the game like boxes and checkpoint lanterns to get Ducats. The most you can gain are from hidden treasure chests spotted throughout the game.
You can find other collectibles along the way too, such as the KAO lettering and diamonds.
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An experienced freelance writer, Chris has a vast knowledge of the gaming medium. With a Bachelor of Communications degree, he hopes to elevate his writing further. His favorite games are Kingdom Hearts, Beyond Good & Evil, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.