How to Unlock Customizations in Nintendo Switch Sports

Nintendo Switch Sports is officially out, and it looks like everyone is enjoying it so far! We at Nintendo Link have been having a blast, and I will publish our full thoughts on the games in the coming days. Today’s article, though, will cover something that I have seen a lot of questions for, and that is, “How do I unlock more customization in Nintendo Switch Sports?”
Well, the answer is not going to excite you, but I hope this little guide will at least help you to understand what needs to be done and get you moving in the right direction. Without further ado, here is how to unlock customizations!

The good news it that there are loads more customization options in Nintendo Switch Sports than there was in previous Sports franchise titles, like Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. The bad news is that the only way to unlock customizations is through online play, and the only way to play online is of course with a Nintendo Switch Online subscription. This is a bummer for players who bought the game but do not have the service or just want to play the game locally.
How to Unlock Customizations in Nintendo Switch Sports
Unlocking new items for your avatar to use requires you to play games online. After each game, you will earn a number of points based on the sport and how well you played in it, including special achievements. You earn points based on just playing (30-50 points), good scoring and/or winning (10-30 points), and other certain accolades like getting strikes in bowling (a small multiplier).
After reaching 100 total points, you will be able to choose from a set of items. This includes new gear for sports, as well as new stickers, clothing, and other accessories. What you get is left up to random chance, so you might not get the item you want the first time around. After obtaining every item in a set, you will earn a completion bonus that gets you even more unique gear.
The available items are on a rotation, too. After a certain number of days, currently active sets will become unavailable for players to obtain items from, so you will need to act fast to get the gear you want from a current set.
It is also worth noting that some pieces of equipment will not be available on Mii characters, if you choose to customize your character this way. You will need a new avatar if you want to try out every piece of equipment available.
On a positive note, due to the nature of unlocking equipment, you are most likely going to unlock Pro Leagues while trying to get your favorite gear. Unlocking equipment will require a lot of time, but persistence will lead you to looking your best… or worst, if that’s your thing.
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your gaming news, updates, and guides! What do you think of this unlocking method in Nintendo Switch Sports? Are you disappointed? Don’t mind? Let us know in the comments below! Happy gaming, everyone.
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.