All the Windmill Switch Locations in Conquer the Inferno Road in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, and Bonus Tips

Later in the game, you will come to the Redgar Forbidden Lands, and the second stage, Conquer the Inferno Road, has a couple secret missions that are worthy pointing out. In this guide, I will go over all the windmill switch locations in the latter part of the stage, and I will even give you another tip to get a second secret mission done while doing this.
Are you enjoying Kirby and the Forgotten Land? I sure am! And I am loving making these guides, too. Let’s do this!
BONUS – Use Crash to Defeat Wild Frosty
Crash is the ability that just BLOWS UP, and you only get one shot. Be careful! There are two ways to get this copy ability. The first is the easiest: go to Waddle Dee Town, enter the weapon shop, and equip it. The second is harder: in the Conquer the Inferno Road stage, there is a Bomber enemy a little ways up the initial climb, but it blows itself up if you do not inhale it fast enough. This why the first option is best.

This is a tricky one to pull off, but here is the best advice I can give. Avoid the doggos and wait for Wild Frosty to kill one or both himself. When he belly flops and is stunned, that is the moment. You have to fully charge the Crash ability to kill Wild Frosty in one hit, but don’t worry if you get hit. It won’t set you off. Give yourself another moment, and try again until you get it!
Good luck on this one! Now it is time for the windmill switch locations in the last section of the stage.
Preparation for Windmill Switch Locations

Before we can activate the windmills switches, we have to get the Ring Mouth. In the beginning of this last section, a ranger enemy will be present. I advice inhaling this one and using this ability, because I have another bonus tip at the end.
For now, use the Ranger ability to shoot the blocks from under the cannons and snipe the couple ranger enemies. You should see an “O” on the ground that will serve as your Ring Mouth. Inhale it, and let’s get going!
Windmill 1

The first windmill switch is on your right almost immediately after getting the Ring Mouth ability. Defeat the enemy by blowing a massive gust of wind its way, and then turn your attention to the fan and activate it by blowing on it.
This will turn rotate the platform, giving you access to the left side.
Windmill 2

The second windmill switch is on the left side platform. Take out the enemies, including the 3 ghosts that spawn as you walk the platform, and then turn your attention towards the switch and blown on it.
This will rotate the platform to your right.
Windmill 3

The third windmill switch is a bit tricky. Once you activate the second switch, take the rotating platform all the way to the right side, where you will find a new platform. From there, using the wind gusts to take out the three large cannons, and then walk your way across to wind the third switch.
Activating this one will raise a platform out of the lava below, as well as create a lovely staircase to the diving platform we need to jump from. Be careful here, as you need to guide your falling Kirby into a boat. How a boat functions in the lava is beyond me. Opening the chest will net you the final Waddle Dee hiding in this level, but we have one more switch to activate.
Windmill 4

The final windmill switch is actually located behind the final platform, where the golden cage holding three Waddle Dees is located. If you continue to use the boat while in the lava and navigate yourself behind the platform, you should see it. Position the tip of the boat against the rock formation (Pictured above) and blow to activate the switch.
Activating this one will get you some goodies, including a figure capsule! Oh, and it also finishes the secret mission.
FINAL BONUS – Space Ranger Blueprint

If you followed my instruction earlier to get the Ranger copy ability, this is why. When you get on the final platform, you will notice a target rotating around a rock formation. You can wildly activate this with a different ability, but obviously the Ranger one is ideal, as it is a straight shot.
Once you hit the target, the Space Ranger blueprint appears on the platform.

Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your gaming news and updates! What do you think of this guide for the new Kirby title? Was it helpful? Let us know in the comments below! Happy gaming, everyone.
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.