Codes for Waddle Dee-liveries in Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Now that Kirby and the Forgotten Land is out, many of you may be wondering about the Waddle Dee-liveries that comes up in Waddle Dee Town after beating the first boss. Well, this is the place where Kirby can talk to Delivery Waddle Dee, and you can receive presents by inputting certain codes.
For those who played the demo, a couple of these may be familiar, as they were given out in the demo for clearing and for 100%ing. There happen to be more codes, and we can only assume that others will be on the way. With that mind, we will be keeping this updated accordingly, but for now, here are the current codes that work at Waddle Dee-liveries:
Offline Gift Codes
You can find codes in the game where you do not have to be connected online. You can simply go to the location, find the codes, and then redeem them from the Waddle Dee Delivery service guy at Waddle Dee-liveries. Whenever you are near the code, Elfilin will draw your attention towards it.
You do not have to find the codes, but here are the codes themselves, what they unlock, and where to find them in the game:
Offline Code | Reward | Location |
FIRST PASSWORD | 100 coins | On the wall of the opposite building of the Waddle Dee Delivery service |
KIRBYSTORY | 300 coins | The lower right corner of the Waddle Dee Cinema |
KIRBYTHEGOURMET | 1x rare stone 1x auto-tamper cake | By the flowers on the roof of Waddle Dee Cafe |
BRAWLINGCOLOSSEUM | 500 coins | 1x attack+ Tent in front of Colosseum |
THANKYOUMETAKNIGHT | 3x rare stone | On the wall to the right of the entrance to the Colosseum (after finishing the game) |
THANKYOUKIRBY | 1000 coins 1x rare stone | Back of the Gold Kirby Statue (When you save all the Waddle Dees) |
Online Gift Codes
This is where things get interesting, because at the moment, there are only a pair of available online codes. These are the same two codes that were given out for playing the Kirby and the Forgotten Land demo, so if you did play the demo, you may already be aware of these.
However, this Waddle Dee-liveries stand indicates that there may be more codes that will be introduced down the line. For the time, though, this is what is available:
Online Code | Reward |
CLEARDEMO | 300 coins |
NEWADVENTURE | 300 coins 1x rare stone |
KIRBYMICROSITE | 150 coins Attack Boost |
So if you are enjoying your time in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, do not forget to head on over to Waddle Dee-liveries for your share of free goodies! We will update this list as more codes are revealed.
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your gaming news and updates! What do you think of this code guide for the new Kirby title? Was it helpful? Let us know in the comments below! Happy gaming, everyone.
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.