Minit Switch Review – A Black and White Adventure Played One Minute At A Time

Minit is a top-down adventure game where you play as a little pixel blob with a sword. Your world has been struck with a terrible curse that causes each day to last only one minute, hence the game’s title. When you find a little sword on the beach, it’s up to you to end this curse by interacting with the residents of the world, defeating enemies, and unlocking new parts of the map.
But with only frustratingly fleeting one-minute chunks to play with, is Minit’s most ingenious idea also its greatest downfall?

Let’s start with a little more detail on how Minit actually works. So although you only get to play in one-minute sections, you are in no way expected to beat the game in just 60 seconds. When you die at the end of each day, the progress you’ve made in the world is saved.
For example, you keep items you find and new areas remain unlocked. Your checkpoints across the world come in the form of little houses where you can sleep, and you’ll respawn at the last one you slept in when you die.
Although you’re never starting from scratch when you die, dying close to an item or area that’s just out of reach can feel utterly defeating. Even figuring out what you’re supposed to be doing can be nearly impossible when you only have one minute to scope out the area and consider where you’re going next. The items you find do definitely help with this, but the overall feeling of frustration is consistent throughout the game.

The world of Minit is very unique to experience. Its clunky black-and-white pixel art still somehow manages to illustrate adorable characters and landscapes. Speaking to the residents of the world is also very enjoyable, with each having their own unique character. However, since you only have a minute to get through each day, finding the time to fully appreciate this can be hard.
Something there’s always time to love is the upbeat soundtrack of Minit. It fits excellently with the old school vibe of the game and is also great to listen to casually even when you’re not playing.
Minit is packed full of extras and secrets to discover as well. I finished the game on about 70%, because in all honesty I couldn’t find the motivation to go back and collect everything I was missing. Once you’ve finished the game, though, there isn’t really any reason to do so. Speaking of the end of the game, it felt incredibly abrupt and like it belonged with a different game all together.

Minit is on the whole a great game, but the blocky pacing does make the experience frustrating and provides little motivation to go back and replay or 100% complete it.
However, filled with awesome pixel art, a fantastic soundtrack, and charming characters, Minit is still overall an enjoyable game to play.
Minit Switch Review provided by Nintendo Link
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Developer: Jan Willem Nijman, Dom, Kitty Calis, Dominik Johann, Jukio
Release Date: April 3rd, 2018
Price: $9.99, £8.99, €9.99
Game Size: 179 MB

Great art
Amazing soundtrack
Clever concept in theory
Cool characters
Blocky gameplay
Little replay value or motivation to 100%