Triangle Strategy – Completing Your First Boss Battle

You will come up against your first boss battle in Triangle Strategy pretty quickly after some 10 minutes of dialogue and so it’s a good chance to practice and learn the fundamentals to surviving future battles in the game.
This battle will consist of 7 enemies in total, with 2 of those enemies being bosses i.e much stronger. Your party will consist of Serenoa, Benedict, Geela, Frederica and an unknown character – all with varying abilities and styles.
As simple as this initial battle is, it’s easy to get rushed by your enemies so here are my tips for avoiding this:

First things first, your positioning is super important. Keep your ranged units behind Serenoa and Roland – keeping them free to attack enemies without fear of getting damaged themselves. Use Roland’s elevated height to your advantage in order to deal some extra damage to your foes. Use Benedicts support abilities in order to give allies extra strength and magic power, this is super helpful.
Don’t Rush
Don’t rush in with all your allies to just deal damage; make sure to utilise the follow-up attack feature but positioning your character either side of an enemy to deal the most damage each turn.
Try to take out the small enemies first so that you can collect their loot and them move onto the bigger enemies. This stops you from getting bombarded with attacks from numerous enemies.
Focus on the Smaller Boss First
When the smaller enemies have been defeated, focus on the weaker of the two bosses first, she can easily be defeated when you are pretty much crowding her with your allies.
This will leave only the bigger boss left which will be fairly easy to take down when he has no back-up for support.
And there we have my first few tips for easily defeating the first bosses. Keep an eye out for more Triangle Strategy guides right here on Nintendo Link, we will be publishing more each day as well as our review which will be available to read later this week.
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A massive lover of all things nerdy, Chelly has been games writing for over 3 years now and hopes to gain more experience and knowledge doing so. Her favourite games are Monster Hunter, Borderlands and Pokemon.