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Triangle Strategy – How to Keep Track of your Story

Triangle Strategy – How to Keep Track of your Story

With Triangle Strategy being a pretty story-heavy and focussed game, its easy to get lost in the endless dialogue and mind-numbing battles. So, wouldn’t it be great if you could re-cap on your story at any given point? Well, that’s what I’m here to show you!

Story Re-capping is Mighty Helpful

Ever find yourself playing a game for endless amount of hours for you to put it down for a few days and by the time you pick it back up you have completely forgotten anything and everything about the game? Yeah, that’s what we want to avoid here.

Luckily, Triangle Strategy has a handy little feature that allows you to look back on your journey so far. When you are on the world map screen, simply press X to open the menu and select ”War Chronicle.” This will open up a sub-menu with a further four options. Select the one that says ”Path Traveled,” this will allow you to look back on your path taken, so far. Every step of the way.

This is a quick and simple way for you to refresh your memory of the story so far and the directions you have travelled. You will also be able to look back through any already-unlocked tutorials here, which is super handy.

Keep an eye out for more Triangle Strategy guides right here on Nintendo Link, we will be publishing more each day as well as our review which will be available to read later this week. 

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