Justice Chronicles Bringing RPG Goodness to Switch Next Month

Kemco and Hit-Point have announced that they will be releasing Justice Chronicles on the Nintendo Switch! The JRPG is planned for a January 6th, 2022 release, which is right around the corner (And one day before my birthday! w00t!).
Check out the trailer:
About Justice Chronicles
Kline, a novice High Beast Knight is sent on reconnaissance into Laft, the Earth-Depths, where he comes across Alia, a Battle Maiden who has suffered terrible injuries and is close to death. In order to help her, he forms a partnership with the God of Death, Rooselevy. Alia lives, but in return the young knight must give up his life…
In a world on the brink of war, the newly acquainted duo must fight destiny itself in order to save the world from the ever creeping darkness that is threatening to consume everything, and once and for all restore the balance of the world.
Featuring 40 hours of unique gameplay, a rich storyline mixed with a large variety of characters and enemies, as well as many more intriguing features such as powerful meteorites that grow with the character, animated turn-based battles, a large quantity of side quests, material collection, weapon crafting, and beautiful pixel artwork, Justice Chronicles really captures the essence of a true Role Playing Game!
Get ready to play Justice Chronicles when it released on the Switch January 6th, 2022, where it will cost $14.99 USD. At the moment, you can even get it for 10% off as a pre-order bonus.
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your gaming news and updates! What do you think of this RPG coming to Switch? Are you interested? Let us know in the comments below! Happy gaming, everyone.
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.