Game & Watch The Legend of Zelda Review – My Favorite Pocket Device!

As part of the 35th anniversary celebration of The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo announced the Game & Watch The Legend of Zelda device during the Nintendo Direct at E3 2021. Since Mario got the same treatment last year, this announcement was met with some disappointment from Zelda fans who were expecting something a bit bigger on the 35th anniversary, like more concrete news about Breath of the Wild 2, a 3D collection of Zelda titles, a 2D collection of Zelda titles, or just something different.
Well, we got the Game & Watch The Legend of Zelda, and I am just going to say this right at the front: THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST PORTABLE DEVICES EVER. Do you want to know why? Let me count the ways!

Honestly, where do I even start? This is an incredible love letter to both the Zelda franchise and Zelda fans young and old. There is just so much to love about the Game & Watch The Legend of Zelda, because it is chock full of content for such a low, low price considering all that you are getting here.
For starters, let’s open up the big box: The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventures of Link, and The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening are all packed into this device. Not only that, but for the first two titles, both the English and Japanese versions are included. For Link’s Awakening, there are four different versions (English, Japanese, French, and German), and each of them have their own little secrets.
In addition to the three main games, this Game & Watch device also includes a Zelda-themed version of the classic Game & Watch title Vermin, where you control Link hammering octorock.
It does not take a rocket scientist to say that the three included Zelda titles are excellent and huge reasons for where the franchise is today. Personally, Link’s Awakening alone is worth the purchase price here, as that gem is still just as wonderful as it was when it released in 1993.
Vermin is a fun, little game to burn some time, but it obviously does not carry the weight of the main titles included in Game & Watch The Legend of Zelda. Yet, it is super-cute, another great tribute, and simply fun.
What makes a Game & Watch a Game & Watch, though, is the fact that it includes a game and a watch, and this one is no different. One of the greatest features of this device (Which is really saying something) is the clock feature, and Link from the original The Legend of Zelda will be slaying enemies as the clock ticks. The animation across the board here is stunning, as the clock feels like it is living, and casually looking over to see what time it is as Link takes out some bokoblins never gets old. This has genuinely become my office clock.
In addition to the clock itself, there is a timer feature that is represented by Zelda II, and like the clock, this is excellently crafted as it pays great homage to the underrated sequel. The cool thing about the timer is that it can simply be a timer with Zelda II action happening in the background, or you can take control of Link during the set time in order to set records for most enemies defeated. This is just another fun incentive that adds great value to a product that is already perfectly fine with the included classics.
The fact that you can play the Game & Watch The Legend of Zelda in both the clock and timer is fantastic and just makes for such a fun-filled device, and the addition of little Easter eggs throughout continue to make it a joy to have around.

There honestly isn’t anything I can think of that deserves a demerit. This is one of the most wonderful game devices I have ever gotten my hands on. Not only is it beyond affordable, but like I said, this is a love letter to the franchise and its fans. There is so much The Legend of Zelda packed into this device that even the packaging is top-tier. I mean, the casing that the Game & Watch The Legend of Zelda comes in also serves as a beautiful stand for the device to be displayed wherever you want. I mean, that stand is not the “best”, but the fact that Nintendo went above and beyond the call of duty to include things like that is terrific fan service.
The only thing of concern is the battery life, which is a bit unpredictable, because drainage heavily depends on how you use it (Playing games or using the clock) and how bright you keep the screen. I was getting roughly 7 hours of battery life on average over the days I tested the device, and I was using it regularly as both a gaming device and a clock. Considering how beautiful the display is, I think that is an ample amount of time between charging (It also comes with a short USB-C charging cable), and it lasts even longer if you turn the display off… naturally.
To put it plainly, Game & Watch The Legend of Zelda is the perfect tribute to a legendary franchise. As much as I wanted something else on this anniversary, I am so happy that I was wrong about this device. This is so much more than what I was expecting, and this is something every Zelda fan should get. I mean, holidays are around the corner, so what are you doing? This is the best stocking stuffer you can get!
Game & Watch The Legend of Zelda Review provided by Nintendo Link
Maker: Nintendo
Release Date: November 12th, 2021
Price: $49.99, 44.99

3 Legendary games, 1 classic G&W game
Clock and timer are excellent
Packaging and device design
Good battery life
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.