Top 10 N64 Games to Bring to Nintendo Switch Online

With the launch lineup reveals of what we will be getting on day 1 when Nintendo 64 games come to Nintendo Switch Online, and a few teases at what’s to come, it’s time to look back through the Nintendo 64’s catalog and bring up some titles that absolutely should be a part of the Nintendo Switch Online offerings for the service. That being said, I’m sure some of these games are logistical nightmares, with licensing being the biggest issue, but I thought a Top 10 N64 Games to Bring to Nintendo Switch Online would make for a very interesting list.
Without further ado, let’s count this Top 10 N64 games list!

1. 007 Goldeneye
Why not come out of the gate swinging? Everyone who had a Nintendo 64 played Goldeneye. If they also had friends, they played Goldeneye split screen, and I’m sure at some point someone picked Oddjob and got called out immediately.
That being said, a lot of the Nintendo Switch Online games are touting some form of online multiplayer. Imagine getting together with those same friends some 24 odd years later for some Goldeneye rematches online. Either way, I think this would be an amazing showing for Nintendo on the new service.

2. Pokémon Stadium
I mean, it’s Pokémon Stadium. The same thing applies to it as Goldeneye, except here Nintendo can do a little flexing. Imagine pulling your first-generation Pokémon down from Pokémon home to use in Pokémon Stadium.
Would it be too much work for the Big N? Absolutely, but that being said, it would be an awesome surprise and something that would bring great value to the N64 catalog.

3. Jet Force Gemini
Jet Force Gemini is an overly frustrating game that was not widely known but has almost a cult following. Has this game aged well? Not really. This game was hard as nails when it came out due to its awkward controls, but who doesn’t like a space opera with a playable dog?
The multi-player boiled down to a bland third-person shooter, but we weren’t here for that. The overall idea of the game deserves another chance in the spotlight, even if that causes people to start throwing controllers once again.

4. Conker’s Bad Fur Day
Where to start with Conker? It is definitely a product of its time, with the constant references to pop culture like the Saving Private Ryan or the Matrix scenes come to mind immediately. Is it also one of the games on this list that has been re-released already with updated graphics? Conker’s Live and Reloaded came out for the Xbox in 2005, and it did something really bad. It completely changed the multiplayer, which was wild!
From cavemen vs dinosaurs, where the cavemen try to steal the Dino egg and toss it into a giant frying pan, or another mode where everyone plays as weasels trying to rob a bank competitively. The remake changed it to a completely bland third-person shooter, and it honestly ruined it. Conker’s Bad Fur Day would have a great second or perhaps third chance on Nintendo Switch Online by returning it to its former glory.

5. Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
This is the Star Wars game that some consider to still be the best Star Wars game out there. I’m a fan of Dark Forces myself, but there is no denying how magical it was to play through Dash Rendar’s adventure, from experiencing the intense battle on Hoth to fighting Bobba Fett.
Shadows of the Empire would be a great addition to the Nintendo 64’s lineup as it would give Star Wars fans a chance to revisit a genuine classic in the series.

6. Ogre Battle 64
This is the first game on this list I have not personally played. In fact, a lot of people haven’t played this one. Being coined “the best game you’ve never played” by many, this strategy game was developed by Atlus (Most notably known for their Shin Megami Tensei series and the spin-off Persona series) and looks like a classic Nintendo 64 game.
Strategy games are at their best when being enjoyed in multiplayer competition against other people, so why not give Ogre Battle 64 another shot in the light Nintendo? Give this amazing game to the public and add some online multiplayer, would ya?

7. Clay Fighters 63 â…“ Sculptors Cut
This comes down to rarity here, as this released as a Blockbuster rental exclusive back in 1998. The Sculptor’s Cut added in a few fighters that were cut originally including High Five, Lady Liberty, Lockjaw Pooch, and Zappa Yow Yow Boyz.
Clay Fighters was never a fantastic series, but the fact that it leans into the craziness benefits it. As this is one of the only fighters I’ve played on the Nintendo 64, I would love for Nintendo to bring this one back so I can go down memory lane.

8. Goemon’s Great Adventure
The fantastic third game in the Goemon series sees a return to the 2.5D side-scrolling style of the first game. That alongside its killer soundtrack, co-op campaign, and fantastic use of a day and night system, not to mention giant mech battles, this game would be a stellar example of the cooperative nature of the Nintendo 64.
This would easily be an amazing addition to the N64 side of things on Nintendo Switch Online, especially if they included an online function.

9. Hybrid Heaven
How to sum up Hybrid Heaven? It’s part RPG, part wresting game, part shooter, and all-around amazing! Hybrid Heaven was one of those games that tried to do a lot, mastered none of it but still did a fine job. When you enter fights, if a new “move” is used on the player character, you inherit that move if you win. All these moves are basically wrestling moves.
The shooting is awkward and the story is nonsense, but the soundtrack and fighting is spot on. Not to mention it’s one of the only Nintendo 64 games to support wide-screen which was a big deal back in the day. If you have a chance, check out Hybrid Heaven and maybe Nintendo will grace us with a surprise release on Nintendo Switch Online.

10. Pilot Wings
Pilot Wings almost feels like a must. While not achieving the same success as Super Mario 64, by any means, Pilot Wings was a huge win for Nintendo. The arcade take on a flight simulator was a lot of fun, and being able to experience the atrocious jet pack again would do nothing but warm the nostalgia center.
While there isn’t much of a plot to Pilot Wings, it would make for great bite-sized gaming on the the Nintendo Switch Online service.

BONUS: Earthbound 64
Remember that time Nintendo released the SNES Classic Edition with a new game? Star Fox 2 was canceled back during the SNES era, but Nintendo brought it back and people like myself ate it up. It was okay, nothing monumental, but the fact that they went back and finished a game they originally cancelled is wild.
Imagine Nintendo going back and finishing Earthbound 64. They never seem to want us to play any game from the Mother series, and they all seem to be missing from Nintendo Switch Online. The fabled Mother 3 GameBoy Advanced translation still hasn’t happened, so this Earthbound 64 is not going to happen either… but it’s nice to dream…
And that’s my Top 10 N64 Games to Bring to Nintendo Switch Online! What did you think of my Top 10 N64 Games? What would yours be? Let us know in the comments!