Boyfriend Dungeon Creating Weapon Love on Switch Today!

During today’s Indie World Showcase, Kitfox Games has revealed that its successful Kickstarter game Boyfriend Dungeon is out today on the Nintendo Switch! The interesting title is bound to intrigue with its unique twist on the RPG genre.
Check out the trailer:
Romance your swords!
- Date up to nine weapons, from dancing swords to heart-piercing daggers
- Generated action-combat dunj and challenges! Stay sharp!
- Various combat styles. For example, hit hard and dodge quickly with the dagger, or take on crowds with Lasersaber
- Inclusive, tasteful approach to gender and sexuality – male, female, and non-binary romance
- Let’s get to the point: take your weapon-babes on romantic outings, such as to the club or the beach
For your summer job, you’re tasked with clearing the creatures in “the dunj”. Soon you discover weapons you find transform into cuties… and they’re SINGLE! (What a craaazy coincidence because you also happen to be up for grabs yourself.)
Spend the cash you earn on romantic outings to forge precious moments with your lovers and work together to clear the rampant monster infestations, because after all, a couple that slays together, stays together.
Boyfriend Dungeon is out today and will cost $19.99 USD.
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.