Happy 1000th Article! Nintendo Link Isn’t Going Anywhere

1000th article

Hello! My name is Jason Capp, the editor-in-chief here at Nintendo Link. We are approaching our one-year anniversary soon, but with this article, we have hit a milestone that we are proud of and look forward to continue adding on to: This is the 1000th article that we have published on Nintendo Link!

In early 2020, before things took a turn for the worst due to the pandemic, a handful of us writers from different sites decided to design this brand with the hopes of creating a fun, safe, and creative space for lovers of all things Nintendo. Unfortunately, those plans were quite postponed, but we got everything in order and launched the site on August 18th, 2020 with our first news article covering the Indie World Showcase from that day. We have grown tremendously since then, and we are continuing to think of ways to expand our brand and make a more fun and entertaining space for you, our fans and readers.

1000th article Nintendo Link

Since the site’s inception, Nintendo Link has been a home for Nintendo-based news, reviews, and previews, but we are especially proud of our feature pieces that cover a slew of topics from game culture to Nintendo’s strange history to bizarre articles like asking for Linkle to be the next hero of Hyrule. At the end of the day, we love having fun here, and we celebrate unique ideas that help expand and grow the conversations that need to happen within our community.

In the beginning, we only had four writers and the site owner contributing, and it was both exhausting and enjoyable in those early months. After a while and building a stronger foundation, we invited a few more people to join the team, and we have been lucky enough to work with ten different contributors over the course of the last 11 months. We are a site that celebrates diversity, elevates its writers, and cares more about the people behind the scene than the success of the site and brand.

Because of this, we are also looking for more ways to help supplement our brand as we continue forward, so if you are a fan of this site and what we do, we hope you will join us for the long ride even if we put ads on our site or start something like a Patreon. Ultimately, we want our team to feel highly valued in the hard work they put into Nintendo Link, and we hope that you continue to enjoy the content we provide.

So from myself and everyone here at Nintendo Link, thank you so much for your support, your encouragement, and everything you have done to help us grow over the last year. I wanted this 1000th article to shine a light on our progress and our vision for the future.

Thank you always, and we hope to see you again and again here on Nintendo Link!

Oh, and of course, happy gaming, everyone.

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