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Crowsworn, Action-Packed Metroidvania Smashing It’s Kickstarter Campaign

Crowsworn, Action-Packed Metroidvania Smashing It’s Kickstarter Campaign

We are all a sucker for a good Metroidvania, aren’t we? Well, lucky for us, a new one has popped up on Kickstarter – and it hit its target in just 3 hours. Its name is Crowsworn.

Crowsworn is said to be a dark and mysterious action-packed Metroidvania that is estimated for release in late 2023. I know, a bit of time to wait yet but trust me, you’re going to want to see this.

Here’s some information from the Kickstarter page!

Explore a grim fantasy world inhabited by men and monsters alike in this action-packed Metroidvania inspired by Hollow Knight, Bloodborne, and Devil May Cry!

  •  Crowsworn is a hand-drawn Metroidvania with a strong design emphasis on explorative platformingimmersive combat, and compelling storytelling. 
  • Our plan is to release the game on Steam for PCMac, and Linux, as well as for NintendoSony, and Microsoft consoles. (Since porting can be a cumbersome, drawn-out process, and we’re between console generations, we can’t yet confirm the final list of platforms or guarantee it will release on all platforms simultaneously. If the release is staggered, our goal is to ensure backers will receive their copy of the game as soon as it’s available on their chosen platform, rather than waiting for the game to be available on all of them.)
  •  Exceptional care has been taken to handcraft every single art asset as well as animate every single frame in a beautiful traditional animation style.

In Crowsworn you will explore a giant interconnected world that is inhabited by vicious enemies and monsters. Danger lurks around every corner. You will use a wide array of abilities to overcome platforming challenges while simultaneously juggling combat encounters. Every challenge is designed with the intent of having the player feel like a total badass when they triumphantly overcome it!

As you explore the nonlinear world, you will discover new abilities that will allow you to backtrack and unlock new regions of the world. As you explore you will encounter bosses. They will be challenging and they will be epic!

We’ve partnered with Fangamer!

To ensure that we get the most premium of premium rewards for our backers, we’ve partnered with Fangamer! They’ve produced exceptional merchandise for some of our favorite games like Hollow KnightUndertale, and Stardew Valley (just to name a few). They will be producing all of the physical merchandise, so you know it will be of the highest quality!

They also have a lot of stretch goals to unlock – take a look at these below!

I for one do not want to miss out on this incredible game and I cannot wait to experience it in (hopefully) 2023.

To have a deeper look into the game and to back the project, take a look at the Kickstarter page here.

What do you think? Is this a game you will be picking up on day one? Will you backing this one? What are the Kickstarters you have recently backed? We want to hear from you, so let us know down in the comments! Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link.

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