Overcooked! All You Can Eat Switch Review – A Fat Meal

Overcooked! All You Can Eat is the ultimate Overcooked! experience. This has everything: Overcooked!, Overcooked! 2, all add-on content, and even for the first time ever, online play across the board. If you are a fan of the series and already have it all, then this may be a pass, but if you are new to the series or have been looking for a reason to dive in, this is exactly the version you want because this has it all and then some.
Let’s just avoid the funny line before the review, because I will tell you right up front that this is a stellar experience for any one that is a fan of party games and digital food prep. Here we go!

The Overcooked! series took the gaming world by storm when it initially release in 2016, and soon into the Switch’s existence, Overcooked! made its presence known quickly and became a huge hit on the hybrid console. It is no wonder that Overcooked! 2 would release on the Switch as well, and it also saw great reviews and sales numbers, confirming a super-successful brand moving forward on the indie scene.
Now with Overcooked! All You Can Eat, players literally get the entire package. The campaign mode for both of the original games are here, as well as the frantic arcade modes of COOP and VERSUS. Not only that, but all the additional content from both games are present as well, which means you will have a ton of cooks to choose from to be your avatar!
However, the biggest addition to Overcooked! All You Can Eat is online play, which has surprisingly been absent up until this point, and it works flawlessly. Since the lobby can be created from the main menu of the game, every mode, including the campaigns, are available for online play. This is a massive addition to a series that is already near-perfect, making it much more accessible than ever before and giving players the ability to play with friends anywhere at any time.

For those unfamiliar, both of the Overcooked! campaigns are beyond silly and are basically stories that require you to cook your way to saving the world. The characters and art style are as cute as they can be, and the way everyone bobs around on their legless bodies puts a smile on your face just about every time.
The series is mostly known for its chaotically fun multiplayer, especially the campaign and cooperative mode. The reason local multiplayer was prioritized before is because immediate communication is key in these cooperative attempts of cooking elaborate meals. There are usually numerous things happening at the same time, so learning how to team up and delegate responsibility is key to winning. Getting vegetables, chopping them, assembling meals, and serving them are all examples of tasks that need to be done, but the timer prevents any single person (And walls at times) from accomplishing the entire list of orders on their own. This is why delegation is of utmost importance, and it is also a reason why this series works so well.
Online mode works similarly, but it is important to make sure everyone is mic’d up and communicating clearly to ensure the experience can be as similar as possible to the couch co-op.
Single player gives you the option of switching to different avatars to help do multiple things at one time. It is an efficient way of making the game work with one player, but this is definitely not the ideal way to play. Overcooked! All You Can Eat is absolutely at its best when playing with friends, and going through the campaigns by myself again was a staunch reminder of that reality.

Overcooked! All You Can Eat is the ultimate Overcooked! meal. There may not be a whole lot here for people who have already played the originals, but the online factor does add a ton of value and gives even returning players a new experience on the Switch. That deal is made even more sweet by the fact that all content that people may have missed out on before is now available in one, big, convenient package.
However, if you have been on the fence about getting any of the Overcooked! games, then look no further. Overcooked! All You Can Eat gives you everything for a bargain price, and it is made even more valuable in that this is the only version you can play online. Just in the campaigns alone, you are looking at about 20 hours worth of content, but the infinite fun you can have in the cooperative modes and even VERSUS raises the value of this package even more.
This is officially the best party game package on the Nintendo Switch. It was a toss up before when considering the original two games, but Overcooked! All You Can Eat takes the cake and eats it, too. It is simply that damn delicious.
Overcooked! All You Can Eat Review provided by Nintendo Link
Publisher: Team17
Developer: Team17, Ghost Town Games
Release Date: March 23, 2021
Price: $39.99, £29.99, €39,99
Game Size: 10.3 GB

Officially the best party game on Switch
Tons of content and replayability
Cute characters and art style
Single player is still lackluster, albeit servicable
Load times can be a bit long
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.