Dungeon Alchemist Raises €500,000 to Let You Make Beautiful 3D Maps for Tabletop RPGs

Dungeon Alchemist, a Kickstarter project, gives you an AI-Powered matchmaking tool to make some really cool looking maps. I (please don’t hurt me in the comments) don’t enjoy D&D, but I might just back this just so I can make pretty looking maps in a way that looks really satisfying.

It’s created by two “longtime roleplayers” from Belgium named Wim De Hert and Karel Crombecq. Sounds strange, but I didn’t find this one through an email. Instead, I saw it on a YouTube ad which made me fall in love with it. Give it a gander below.
As one of the 11K backers (and counting) said in a comment on their page:
First KS Campaign I’ve been in which the backers are quicker in unlocking the stretch goals (sic) than the developers in putting them on 😀
Loads of stretch goals are already unlocked including Steam workshop map sharing, and most recently a big red “instant dungeon” button that will let us auto-generate a random dungeon when we’re in a pinch for time. What’s more, two of the stretch goals are shown as locked on the page when they’ve actually been unlocked just because the game is funding so fast! (As the above commenter points out).
If you want to help them reach whatever unknown stretch goal’s they’ve got planned next go check out their Kickstarter page where you can pick up a lifetime license to this software for €30 (£26/$37) or hit up their Twitter, Facebook or Discord to have a chat with the developers.
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your Kickstarter news and updates. What do you think of Dungeon Alchemist? Not necessarily Nintendo or Switch-related, but it is still a really cool idea that deserves highlighting. Let us know your thoughts in the comments!