Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is a Surprise Hack n’ Slash Zelda Prequel

Out of the blue, Nintendo dropped a huge bombshell announcement, and it came in the form of Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, a prequel to the original that surprised many fans on the Wii U. The game will be out on November 20th, so a late edition to the Christmas wishlist “backlog” many of us are struggling to get through.
The game, which is developed by Koei Tecmo’s Omega Force team, seems like it is going to be a successor to 2014’s Hyrule Warriors. A game which, in the words of Verge’s Andrew Webster “combined the massive battles of Dynasty Warriors with the lore and history of Zelda.”
Players will get a chance to experience a time 100 years before the 2017 title as well as the calamity that influenced the events of Breath of the Wild. We will get a chance to play as Link, Zelda, and 4 other champions which weren’t previously playable. Kotaku’s Mike Fahey is getting us hyped for “massive battles between the forces of Hyrule and those of Calamity Ganon, with heroes and villains fighting their way through hordes of enemies.”
However, when is Breath of the Wild 2 coming out? Zelda Producer, Eiji Aonuma, says “You’ll have to wait a bit longer.” In the meantime, get yourself prepared for some more Zelda x Musou gameplay in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your Nintendo and Zelda-related news. What did you think of this surprise reveal? Are you excited for an expansion in the Hyrule Warriors universe? Let us know your thoughts down below! As for me, I have only one question after today’s announcement: WHERE IS LINKLE?!