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Pokemon Masters EX Has Gone Viral, But Not for the Reason You Think

Pokemon Masters EX Has Gone Viral, But Not for the Reason You Think

Pokemon Masters just had it’s year anniversary and launched an improved system and rebranded itself as Pokemon Masters Ex! It’s a huge update for the mobile game, one that apparently is using player feedback to adjust the game and make it more user friendly (I wouldn’t know because my phone is apparently incompatible, one of my gripes with the game.).

Pokemon Masters Ex
Pokemon Masters EX Logo

But now that this update has launched the Pokemon Company has been using a new #PokemonMastersEx hashtag to promote the big update and overall changes to the game’s structure. Unfortunately, without the capitalization, it is spelled as something rather unfortunate, which as a result has made it gone even more viral due to hilarity.

It honestly is rather funny when social media oops like this happen, because it looks rather bad that somehow nobody had done something as simple as, “You know what that looks like in lowercase, right?”, but it has been getting the mobile game a lot of free publicity and a huge amount of memes have already spawned from it.

Pokemon Masters EX Meme
Pokemon Masters Meme

C’mon, I know a good amount of you chuckled.

You can check out the Pokemon Masters Official Website to check out the game if you have never heard of it before. It’s a pretty good mobile game where it treats various characters like gatcha characters (I would play if my phone WOULD WORK WITH IT). The official Anniversary website is up as well and goes over the specific changes to the mobile title that they are implementing.

Still one of the funniest Twitter mess ups I have gotten to see.

Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your Pokemon news and Twitter mishaps. What did you think of this hashtag goof? Did it make you laugh? Are you one of the meme creators? Let us know in the comments below!

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