Porygon and Charmander to be Next Two Community Days

After a couple months of fairly disappointing Community Days in Pokemon GO, Niantic finally decided to give fans a chance to choose the featured Pokemon again via a Twitter poll. The poll included Porygon, Caterpie, Grimer, and Charmander as the nominees.
Sadly, this list only had one Pokemon without a shiny variant in the mobile game and another Pokemon that has already had its own Community Day and is frequently a part of other special days and events. It was a strange decision, but despite that we have two winners that will be featured for the next two months of Community Days!

September 20th – Porygon Community Day
Porygon is a Pokemon that players have been wanting for a long, long time. This is a welcome addition to the shiny family, and if you evolve Porygon to Porygon-Z, they will learn the exclusive move Tri Attack. This could potentially mean that we have a new contender for a bulky Pokemon with strong attacks in Battle mode. Either way, this is a beautiful shiny and the addition of Tri Attack will make this Pokemon more viable in the meta.
Who is excited for this one?

October 17th – Charmander Community Day 2
The October Community Day will be feature Charmander for the second time, and this has some players excited and some players really upset. The players who are excited have two reasons to be; 1) they can finally get a lot of shiny Charmanders, and 2) with Mega Evolutions around the corner, Mega Charizard X and Y are going to be big contenders in raids and PvP. In a Community Day first, evolving Charmander into Charizard will not only get you the new Community Day exclusive Dragon Breath (A quick move), they will also receive the previous Community Day exclusive Blast Burn (A charged move).
Not at sweet as September, but I am definitely more excited than before.
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link for all of your Pokemon GO news and insight. What do you think of these Community Days? My son’s favorite Pokemon is Porygon, so I am beyond excited! Let us know what you think in the comments below. Happy gaming, everyone.
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.